A downloadable game

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This is our submission for the UnCrank'd 2024. The theme was "Float" or "Reflect". This game was made in 1 week. In "Lake Hero" players assume the role of an environmentally conscious lake-floater who just wants to reflect on his life on the water. Unfortunately, his place of zen is littered...with litter. Unable to concentration amongst such filth this hero steps up and floats out to clean his beloved lake. In this clean 'em up game, players navigate the waters of the lake, to grab as much trash as possible. Players must use the crank and the unique method of movement to guide the hero back to his place of zen.

Use the Playdate's crank to turn your character!

Power Bar

Charge up for a quick dash! But don't charge too far, you don't want to lose your balance

The trash that litters your beloved lake

Watch out for these dangerous hazards, some might even pop your raft

Black Hole Collective:

     Nick (Programming/Design): Twitch | Instagram | TikTok

      John (Art/Design): Twitter | Instagram | Portfolio 

      Gus (Art/Animation): Twitter | Instagram  | Portfolio 

     Octavio (Music/Sound Design): Instagram

     VeganTyler (Testing/Emotional Support): Instagram | Twitch 

This was our first time making anything for the Playdate. Our developer had zero experience with Lua or the playdate, our artists weren't familiar with 1 bit art and we all found out about the Jam a few days before it started. Not to mention we all have full time jobs! We got a lot done in one week, and we are very proud of our progress, especially considering only our tester even owned a Playdate! We hope to continue cleaning it up and adding more features and levels for you.

~ Thanks For Playing ~


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

LakeHero.pdx.zip 6.4 MB

Development log


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ooh that music!  Looking forward to checking this out.

hope you enjoy!

Will you fix the file so that it runs on physical playdate devices?? The games looks super fun!

Working on it now! I dont have a playdate, so i wasnt able to get error logs. Looks like ltdk loading is taking too long. Should have it up soon :)


new version works on device :)

Could not find a top-level .pdx file. when i try to sideload


hi, this should be fixed now with a new download